Racquet Stringing

Babolat & Yonex String Options

The strings are the engine of your tennis racquet and we can help you find a string and tension that will suit your particular style of play, guaranteeing a top-quality service every time. We offer a range of Babolat & Yonex strings.

Regular stringing: $60 (drop-off/pickup by arrangement)

Labour only: $35 (you supply the string)

The stringing price above includes most synthetic, nylon, multifilament or polyester string. We can get different strings in so just let me know if you have personal preferences this may incur additional cost.

We also have a range of grips and over grips. Prices range from $10. Just chat to us and let us know what you would like.


Ever wondered when you need to have your racquet restrung, or did you only think you only needed to do it when the strings broke? When playing tennis the string tension decreases as they stretch due to impact with the tennis ball, meaning they have more elastic potential. So the looser the string the more power however, you have less control.

General guidance is;

If you play once a week, we suggest getting your racquet strung every 4-6 months,

Twice a week, every 3 - 4 months

Three times a week, every 2 - 3 months

Four times a week, every 1 - 2months

5 or more times a week, every month


Recommended tension is usually written on the racquet, and is normally between 50-60lbs.

Any tension between 45-50 lbs is considered ‘loose’ which is recommended for advanced players who have a loose fluid swing, and understand that power can be generated through weight transfer. This is because, loose strings have higher elastic potential and react in a trampoline like feel, which can lose a player a lot of control!

For an interclub level player we would recommend 52-55lbs (depending on your preference) as this will provide adequate power without losing too much control.


Monofilament / Polyester

A single thread string usually strung at lower tensions as it can be stiff and hard on the arm. This is usually quite a generic string which is a good string for interclub players that need a durable and control based string.

Babolat RPM Blast is the most popular product in this category. The octagonal section and cross-linking coating allow the strings to return to their original positions quickly and gives a huge “bite” to the ball.

Multi filament

These strings were born out of the desire to make a better synthetic tennis string that had more of the qualities of natural gut, but with fewer of the drawbacks, e.g. increased durability. Multifilament tennis strings provide great comfort and extra feel. Despite losing some durability, it creates more power due to the multiple fibres allowing the string to stretch and ‘trampoline’ more. These are often cross string with a polyester so you get feel, power and control all in one.

Multifilament strings have hundreds or thousands of fibres which are more arm and elbow friendly offering more comfort. It also offers better power compared to its rivals due to its formation.

Natural Gut

Natural Gut tennis string offers the best performance, comfort, and feel of any tennis string, while holding tension and being easy on your arm. This comes at an increased cost and reduced durability however.